Elon Musk Vision Rattled The Traditional Car Markers 

A sector which has long been dominated by the traditional automakers like Ford, GM, and Volkswagen Elon musk Changed everything through his non conventional approach. People say it is very hard to get into the traditional business. Because the old players will never let you in. But it was not the case with Elon musk he get into the business of car making in 2003 with his start up with the name Tesla. And within two decades he changed everything about what people think of cars.

How the traditional car maker’s works 

Ever since the car was built by Carl’s Bin in 1986 , one driver’s seat hydrocarbon based engine. No, fundamental changes were made, only the changes were made, the car got bigger, and the number of wheels increased to four. It always needs a driver and it always and always burns hydrocarbons to fuel itself. Only a non-traditional approach was adopted by Henry ford. Who tried to make cars at scale. Other than the only competition was how the car looks, and who is selling cheap cars.

Elon Vision for Tesla 

  1. Environmental solution 
  • Sustainability: Elon Musk has spoken openly about his concerns regarding climate change and believes electric vehicles are a key part of the solution.
  • Disruption: The traditional car industry relied heavily on gasoline engines. Tesla, under Musk’s direction, aimed to disrupt this by creating a new standard for electric vehicles – high-performance and desirable.
  • Long-Term Vision: Tesla’s “secret master plan,” laid out by Musk early on, envisioned a future with a wide range of affordable electric cars. They started with premium models to fund research and development, with the goal of eventually making electric vehicles accessible to everyone.

Elon Musk’s vision for Tesla goes beyond just building electric cars. It’s about accelerating the shift towards sustainable transportation and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the automotive industry.

  1. Vision for self Driving 

Safety: Traffic accidents are a major cause of death and injury worldwide. Self-driving cars, in theory, could significantly reduce these accidents by eliminating human error, a major contributing factor.

Efficiency and Accessibility: Self-driving cars have the potential to revolutionise transportation by making it more efficient and accessible. Imagine carpooling being optimised, reducing traffic congestion, or having personal transportation readily available to those who cannot drive themselves.

Disruption and Technological Advancement: Tesla, under Musk’s leadership, thrives on disruption and pushing boundaries. Self-driving cars represent a significant leap forward in automotive technology and could reshape the transportation landscape.

Integration with Tesla’s Vision: Self-driving cars fit perfectly into Elon Musk’s vision for Tesla’s future. Tesla aims to be a sustainable energy company, and electric self-driving cars could be a major step towards a cleaner and more efficient transportation system. Additionally, self-driving Teslas could potentially integrate with other ventures like Hyperloop, creating a comprehensive transportation network.

Tesla has been a major disruptive force. They’ve proven the viability and desirability of electric cars, inspiring other automakers to invest heavily in electrification. Tesla’s focus on innovation, technology, and sleek design has resonated with consumers, putting pressure on traditional car companies to improve.

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